Our everyday grind, curiosity and work ethic are key to generate returns for our investors.

Mathieu Boisvert

Founding Partner, CEO, CCO

Charles Haggar

Founding Partner, CIO

Michael Gentile

Founding Partner, Senior Portfolio Manager

Benoit Chagnon

Director of Operations

Aniss Gamassi

Senior Investment Analyst

Benjamin Philippe

Investment Analyst

Michel Loutchkine

Investment Analyst

Bastion was founded in 2021, but the partnership between its founders’ dates back much further. The genesis of our approach took shape in 2002, when Charles and Michael began co-managing assets. The entrepreneurial trio has been working together since 2014, when they collaborated on the successful long/short strategies of a leading Montreal investment firm. Since Bastion's inception, the team has focused on building a team that shares the same values, while bringing a diversity of perspectives and expertise.

Our team's history



Charles and Michael manage capital for Concordia University's Kenneth Woods Investment Management Program. In 2004, Michael joined Formula Growth, as Charles pursued his CPA and joined PwC.



Charles joins Michael at Formula Growth and together they generate ideas for the US Equity Long Short hedge fund. In 2012, Charles and Michael begin co-managing the FG Alpha fund and, later, the FG Focus fund, with Mathieu and his fund-of-funds firm as investors. Mathieu joins Charles and Michael in 2014. Michael leaves the firm in 2018 and becomes a consultant.



Charles, Mathieu and Michael join forces to launch Bastion Asset Management. Backed by major pension funds from the outset, the company grew rapidly thereafter.

“We have a passion for equity markets, we believe in our strategy, and we invest a very large proportion of our liquid net-worth alongside our clients.”

— Michael Gentile, Founding Partner and Senior portfolio Manager